Ralph and the Smart Car. Filling the smart car in Italy was roughly as expensive as filling our minivan in the U.S. for roughly the same miles. I see why people drive smaller in Europe.

It's my world and welcome to it. Topics could include travel, parenting, education, politics, and anything else that pops into my head.
We recently went to Italy for two weeks. I did quite a bit of planning, so I'll share as much as I can here in case it can save anybody else much effort. This posting shows the hotel research we did looking for hotels around $100 per night. Most of the hotels are in Rome, a few are on the Amalfi coast. I'll follow up with reviews of the places we actually stayed.
Useful web sites--
Useful books:
Lonely Planet Italy 2004
Frommers Italy 2004
Fodors Italy 2004 (didn't find as much insight, good places as Frommers or Lonely Planet)
I tetti Di Roma—78 Euro per night. Bed and breakfast in someone's apartment. Only two rooms with one shared bath, got nice review on slowtalk.com. Www.itettidiroma.com. Good location, great views from the rooms (8th floor). We stayed here.
Hotel Panda—98 Euros per night. Good recommendation of Frommers. Good location. www.pensionepanda.com. Book by telephone or fax. Good but not effusive reviews on tripadvisor.com.
SAN GIUSEPPE DELLA MONTAGNA –76 Euro per night. Good recommendation on Fodors.com, a couple of positive reviews on Fodor's.com. Nuns are friendly but do not speak English and only a little Spanish. Good location just outside the vatican. Phone: 06/39723807
Fax: 06/39721048
Fraterna Domus—Another convent hotel. Good review from Fodors.com, a couple of positive comments. 1 of the sisters speaks English according to one review. Good location. Phone: 06/68802727 Fax: 06/6832691. Under 76 Euro per night.
Hotel Carmel—100 Euro, good review on Fodors.com, 1 good review on tripadvisor.com. 10 rooms, most with bathrooms. Only Kosher Hotel in Rome. Reservation service http://www.guestinitaly.com/hotels/rome/r011.htm but they charge 30 Euro fee.
Phone: 06/5809921
Fax: 06/5818853
Hotel Positano—90 Euro (no breakfast) confirmed from e-mail. They are awaiting credit card info. Reviewed on Hostelz.com and BUG Europe. Mixed reviews, most referred to hostel aspect of it rather than Hotel. Good location near main train station.
Casa di Santa Brigida—Frommers liked it, couldn't get anything from their web site. Sent Fax 17 August. They never responded
Colors Hotel—No pricing information on their web site. Booking by fax only. Prices not on web site www.colorshotel.com. Faxed them for information on August 17th. Found them on Hostelz.com. They never responded to Fax.
Hotel Cristoforo Columbo—121 Dollars per night, through hotels.com. About 15-20 minute commute to tourist areas of Rome. Nice reviews from hotel review site.Hotel Contilia—Well liked by Frommer, 138 Euro's per night cheapest rate from Hotels.com. Decent reviews online
Holiday Inn Express Rome East Via VIA GIORGIO PERLASCA 50—96 Euros per night. Mediocre location, about 5 kilometers from everything. No reviews. Reservation cannot be modified or canceled once made at the 96 Euro rate.
Hotel Arenula—120 Euro per night. Frommers likes it, Nice reviews on trip advisor but we are waiting for info to come in from apartments etc.
Hotel des artistes—157 Dollars per night direct from web site www.hoteldesartistes.com. Good location (near train station), mixed but mostly postitive reviews on tripadvisor.com. Rates on travel sites more than rate direct from hotel.
Hotel Executive—116 Euros per night. OK location, mostly bad reviews from people dissappointed it wasn't a four star hotel when it claimed to be (actually a 2 star hotel).
Principessa Tea Hotel—130 Euros per night. Good location, but mostly bad reviews.
The Secret Garden/Hotel Lawrence—63-125 Euro. Www.hotel-lawrence-rome.com no reviews. Web site shows really nice hotel. Since they seemed to be linked to Il Castello which is getting bad reviews for ethical behavior and are changing their name, I am wary.
Il Castello—60-120 Euro www.ilcastello.com. Tripadvisor.com reviews say Il Castelo did not hold reserved, confirmed rooms and sent customers to another hotel that was hard to find. Nightmare experience. Some reviews—basic accomodations. Link to another similar basic hotel.
Michelangelo Palace Hotel—120 Euros per night. Mostly bad reviews on hostelz.com site (nothing on tripadvisor.com).
Various Hostels at Hostelz.com—Not many with private baths, but fairly easy to find private room for 100 dollars per night.
Villa San Pio—$244 per night Good reviews on Tripadvisor.com and Fodors. Too much money.
Hotel Pavia—Min95 Euros-Max 190 Euros per night. Fromers liked it. Mixed reviews on TripAdvisor.com —Road near hotel smells of Urine.
Hotel La Residencia—Highly rated by Frommer, but blacked out for late September dates.
Hotel Pineta Palace—125 Dollars per night, but bad reivews and not near public transportation (15 Euro cab ride to city center).
Hotel Galeno—OctopusTravel.com—147 Dollars per night. But small rooms, negative reviews for tourists, not walking distance to sites or close to metro
Pisana Palace—OctopusTravel.com--150 Dollars per nigh. But, mixed reviews, not close to things.
Hotel Desiree—Excellent recommendation in lonely planet. Fawning reviews on tripadvisor.com. Faxed on 18 August. Awaiting reply. Received reply August 18, available, faxed credit card number. This is where we stayed.
Hotel Elios—Good recommendation in Lonely Planet Italy guide. 1 good review on tripadvisor.com. No fax number or e-mail. Call 081 878 18 12. Just signed up for long distance dial around service (everdial) so that I can call.
La Fenice—Positano. Bad reviews lately. Good reviews in the past.
Villa Rosa--Positano. We decided to stay in Sorrento, so this became a moot point.
Hotel Villa Catrina – Sent e-mail form in directly to hotel, 98 Euro per night. Can also be booked from web sites. They have availability per 18 August e-mail. Awaiting credit card info. Sent card info August 18th. This is where we stayed.
Hotel Condor – Venere.com, 80 Euro per night